Around 300 000 inhabitants of Czech lands died during First World War. Some of them, who died in hospitals in Czech lands, are buried on military cemeteries on places, where these hospitals were located, but most of them are buried far from their homes, on places, where they were figting. Many of them lie in scattered unidentified graves, but many of them are buried on military cemeteries, which appeared on all places, where the fighting had taken place. Today, cemeteries of soldiers from Austria-Hungary are situated in Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Slovenia, Italy, Serbia, Albania, France and others. On all these places, soldiers from Czech lands are buried, too. On all these places, cemeteries need care and maintenance to be dignified place of burial for those men, who were torn out from their civil lives, their families and their homes, and sent to war, from which they never returned. Places of their burial should today, when empires, which waged it, are already dead, and when there are no more participants of war alive, remain memorials of suffering caused by the greatest war the world had ever seen.
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